Affidavit Policy
Schedule Changes
Subsidy Program
Multiple Child Discount
Late Pick-Up Fee
Overtime Rates
Delinquent Accounts
In-Service Day
Extended Absences
Parents are required to accompany their child into the center and into their child’s classroom. Parents should also speak with the teacher in the classroom, if only briefly. We encourage parents to communicate with their child’s teacher, about their child’s temperament that particular day, how he/she slept the night before, whether he/she has eaten that morning, etc. Most children go through periods of difficulty with separating from their parent(s). This is common and developmentally appropriate. Try these tips for a successful drop-off:
- Establish a regular, predictable routine. Whether you have a kiss and a hug and go. What often makes separating stressful for children is the uncertainty. If your child can predict what will happen, the separation will not be as difficult.
- Separate once. If you come back into the classroom over again and again, it will increase your child’s stress. Remember the moment of separation is the worst part for your child, so doing it more than once makes it more stressful for your child.
- Be reliable. Return when promised. Children who are picked up later than expected may have more difficulties separating. Phrase time in terms your child will understand. For example, you will be back after snack time or before naptime. Any child arriving at the center after 10:00AM will be sent home for the day. Parents must abide by the drop-off time schedule in the contract. In an event of an emergency, they have until 10:00am to drop-off their child for care. Any time after 10:00am will result in automate absent for the day.
Regular attendance is strongly encouraged for the benefit of the child as well as the classroom as a whole. If your child will be absent, please call the center by 7:00 A.M. so your child’s teacher may make accommodations to the lesson plan. If your child will be absent for an extended period of time (more than 2-3 days), the center must be notified in writing of the date the absence begins and the expected date your child will return. Enrollment will be terminated if a child is absent for a period of 1 weeks or more, and no notice has been received or contact made by the family.
Care Termination Policy
The first two weeks of a child’s enrollment is a trial period for both the parents and the center. During the Thirty days of trial, the parent or the provider can terminate the childcare contract without reason or notice as listed below in the termination of childcare agreement. No childcare payments are reimbursed in the event of termination - TERMINATION OF CHILDCARE AGREEMENT
Occasionally, a child will experience some difficulty in adapting to the daycare’s environment or abiding by the daycare rules of behavior. A conference will be scheduled if your child should experience some difficulty. We will work closely with you to see if the problem can be resolved. If the child’s behavior continues to be disruptive to the group, we reserve the right to ask you to withdraw your child from daycare. You must give a two weeks’ notice when voluntarily withdrawing your child from Caterpillar Childcare Center. You will be responsible for all final payments through the end of the notice period, whether in attendance or not. If the rules and policies set forth are not followed, we reserve the right to terminate the daycare contract agreement at any time. In such an event, we will be paid in full through the end of the week in which such termination occurs.
The child care arrangements will be terminated immediately for any of the following reasons (but not limited to):
- Failure to comply with the policies set forth in the parent handbook.
- Failure to comply with the contract.
- Destructive or hurtful behavior of a child that persists even with parent cooperation in stopping the behavior.
- Non-payment of childcare or late fees and/or recurring late payment of fees.
- Repeated failure to pick up the child at scheduled times. (Habitual tardiness)
- Failure to show up for 5 consecutive days without any communication.
- Inability to meet the child’s needs without additional staff.
- Blatant disrespect towards the provider or provider’s family.
- If a parent knowingly brings their child ill.
- Lack of parental Cooperation
- Consistent child-rearing style differences between the parent and provider.
- Physical or verbal abuse of any person or property
- False information given by a parent either verbally or in writing.
If for any reason legal services are needed, Caterpillar Childcare Center or Karina De Paula will not be responsible for any legal or court costs incurred.
In order to ensure that employees or other persons regularly providing child care or support services with potential for unsupervised contact with children at Caterpillar we are appropriate for serving in their positions, (FBI) Fingerprint Criminal Background Check, Child Abuse, Pennsylvania State Police and National Sex Offender Clearances. The Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) requires certain individuals to obtain clearances in order to be employed, be a resource parent (foster or adoptive), or be a volunteer with children. The purpose for requiring clearances is to provide employers and those selecting volunteers with information to use as part of a larger decision-making process whether to hire someone as an employee or select them as a volunteer. Caterpillar Childcare Center must ensure that clearances are obtained in accordance with the CPSL.
All background record checks shall be performed on all candidates for positions before an offer of employment is confirmed. According to PA Act 153, all clearances are due for renewed every 60 months on all persons in such positions and/ or any time the program receives information that may indicate that a new Background Record Check review is appropriate.
Open Door Policy
Updating Enrollment Records
Students with Special Need
Daily Sign-In/Sign-Out Log
Drop Off/Pick-Up Procedures
✓ Use the main entrance door when you enter and exit the facility.
✓ Park on the designated parking spaces behind the building.
✓ Assist your children down the walk way to the front of the building
✓ Ring the bell and do not let children bang on the door.
✓ Do not allow other parents/staff to enter the building with you.
✓ Stay with your child until a staff member directs your child to their assign classroom.
✓ Advice the staff if there are any changes in pick-up time or person picking up child.
At NO time can a child be unsupervised within our grounds.
At NO time can a child be left in the parking lot in a car unsupervised, or can a car be left running in our parking lot.
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Karina, Center Director Thank You!
Procare Software
Student Pick-Up Policy
Daily Drop/Pick Up Routine
- Drop-Off Routin
In the morning parent will sign in child in the Procare App, A Staff member will perform a daily morning health check on every child and record result on a daily sheet. In the event a child is find out to be sick in our morning health check routine the parent will need to take the child back home and check with their medical provider to determine what is the cause of illness and if it contagious or not. Child will need a doctor’s clearance notes to be admitted back into the center. Any child returning to the center after being sick without a medical provider note will be sent back home no exception until a medical note is provided. - Pick-Up Routine
Parent/ guardian picking up their child at the schedule time should sign the child off the Procare App. Staff member will hand-out the child winter attire if is the time of the year. The parents are responsible to put the winter attires on and take it off and hand it to the staff.
Special Activities
Please feel free at any time to inquire regarding your child’s status. The office manager will check with your child’s primary care provider and/ or the administrator to help provide you with requested information. Telephones are maintained in the classrooms for emergency use and office communication.
Daily Schedule and Activities
Consistency from day-to-day is particularly important to the overall well-being of the children and classroom environment. Children thrive on consistency! Routines will be maintained whenever possible for arrivals and departures; meals and snacks; resting or nap times; personal care routines like diapering/toileting and hand washing; and transitions.
Sick Child
Sick While in Care
- Staff in charge will take the child’s temperature and complete the Sick in Care Child Form.
- Parent will be notified of the situation.
- Parent will make every effort to pick up the sick child within one hour after notice and follow up with their primary doctor.
- A clearance note from the doctor is required before the child can be admitted back into the center.
Dual Language Learner’s Program
Continuity of Care Policy
Hand Washing
Other times your child and staff members will be expected to wash their hands include:
- Upon arriving at the center
- After each diaper change or using the toilet
- Before and after meal times
- Before and after administering medication
- After handling bodily fluids (mucus, blood, vomit)
- Before and after using the sensory table
- After coming indoors from the playground
- After handling pets and other animals
- After cleaning or handling garbage
Warm, running water (no hotter than 110°F) and soap must be used. Hands must be rubbed vigorously for at least 20 seconds, including the backs of hands, between fingers, under nails, and under any jewelry. A disposable paper towel should be used to dry hands and turn off the faucet. Help reinforce the importance of hand washing by encouraging frequent hand washing at home as well.
Free Play
Outdoor Play
Children will go outside year-round, including winter. Only during extreme weather conditions will the children remain indoors. Our teachers refer to the Child Care Weather Watch poster from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Health to determine if it is too hot or cold to play outdoors. It is important for parents to send their children in appropriate clothing and outerwear for the weather conditions (e.g., coat, snow pants, boots, gloves, etc.). Please clearly label all articles of clothing with your child’s name. Caterpillar has a few extra hats and mittens, but not enough for every child. If a child is not dressed appropriately for the weather, he or she may have to remain inside. Please ask your child’s teacher if you have any questions about weather-appropriate clothing.
Nap/Rest Time
Children are encouraged to bring a familiar item from home to use during nap/rest time, such as a small blanket or stuffed animal. These items will be stored in your child’s cubby or on his/her cot or mat; there is limited space for storage of such items. Please consider this when deciding which items to bring. All items should be clearly labeled with your child’s name, as all class laundry is washed weekly.
All multimedia must have a rating of “PG” or “E” and must possess an educational theme. Children are limited to a specified amount of time per week they may use or view multimedia:
- Under 2 years old: 0 minutes/week
- 2-year-olds: Maximum 20 minutes/week
- 3-year-olds: Maximum 30 minutes/week
- 4-5-6-year-olds: Maximum 30 minutes/week
Weapons/Violent Play
Pets & Visiting Animals
Assessment Portfolios
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Field Trips
Rules Related to Field Trips
Head Counts
- Before leaving the classroom
- Before starting the vehicle (after buckling children)
- After students exit the vehicle at the field trip location
- After entering the field trip location
- When exiting the field trip location
- Before starting the vehicle (after buckling children)
- After exiting the vehicle at Caterpillar Club House
- When returning into the classroom
Walking Lines
Required Materials
- Permission slips
- First aid kit
- A copy of Caterpillar missing child procedure
- Clipboard containing:
- That day’s attendance
- Pocket lanyards for each teacher containing:
- Class list with that day’s attendance
- Class total number
- Emergency phone numbers
- Caterpillar phone number
- Children’s “if lost” headshots
*Other Field Trip Policies: Only staff members are allowed to take children to the bathroom.*
Nutrition Policy Statement
- Breakfast is served from 7:30-9:00 AM. If your child arrives after 8:30 AM, he/she must come already fed.
- Lunch is served from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM.
- Afternoon snack is served from 3:30-4:00 PM.
At Caterpillar, we are very concerned with choking hazards. Whole hot dogs or hot dog slices, whole grapes, nuts, popcorn, raw peas, hard pretzels, spoonsful of peanut butter, chunks of raw carrots, or large meat chunks are not allowed.
All medical forms will be sent with the child to the hospital.
Childcare Nutrition
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Fruit is served at least 2 times a day.
- A vegetable other than white potatoes is offered at least once a day.
- Grains
- Whole grain food is served at least once a day.
- Beverages
- Juice intake is limited to once per day in a serving size specified for the child’s age group.
- Juice served is 100% fruit juice.
- Sugar-sweetened beverages are not served.
- Only 1% milk is served to children aged 2 years and older.
- Fats and Sugars
- High-fat meals, such as bologna, bacon, and sausage, are served no more than once per week.
- Fried or pre-fried vegetables, including potatoes, are served no more than once per week.
- Sweet food items are limited to no more than two times per week.
Role Of Staff In Nutrition Education
- Staff provide opportunities for children to learn about nutrition at least once per week.
- Staff act as role models for healthy eating in front of the children.
Meal and snack times are planned so that no child goes more than four hours without being offered food. A variety of nutritionally balanced, high-quality foods is provided daily.
Please do not send your child with outside food or drinks. Any outside food without prior authorization from the director will be tossed to prevent allergies.
Monthly Menus
Menus are rotated monthly to provide a balance of variety and familiarity. Local and fresh in-season produce is incorporated whenever available.
Nutrition And Punishment
With prior director approval, parents are allowed to bring in cupcakes for the birthday child and classmates. For theme celebrations, a sign-up sheet specifying food and beverages will be posted next to the sign-in/sign-out station.
Professional Development
Food Allergies
Food Allergy Action Plan
Infant, Toddler, And Two-Year-Old Program Information
- Parents must supply diapers, diaper cream, bottles, formula, baby food, extra clothing, pacifiers, blankets, and stuffed toys for rest time. Please label all items with the child’s name.
- Children may use pacifiers during rest time. To reduce the likelihood of spreading illness, pacifiers must be kept in a child’s cubby or diaper bag during all other times of the day.
- If you are breastfeeding, please discuss with your child’s teacher when your child should be fed breast milk, and when you would like to come in and feed your child.
- Breast milk must be brought in ready-to-use containers. For health reasons, we are not able to store bags of frozen milk for extended periods.
- We recommend that all new foods be tried at home first since a child could have an allergic reaction to foods they have not had before. Please inform your child’s teachers on the daily charts of any new foods your child has tried.
SIDS / Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- All infants less than one year will be placed on their back to sleep.
- Infants shall not be allowed to sleep in a car seat or swing for a period of longer than 15 minutes.
- Once a child has been placed in his or her crib for a nap, if the infant rolls from back to front – and is able to roll from front to back – it is acceptable to leave the infant sleeping on his or her stomach.
- No heavy blankets, stuffed toys, or pillows should ever be placed in a crib.
- A request for alternative sleeping positions must be accompanied by a signed and dated physician’s note stating the reason for the request.
Shaking Baby Syndrome
Abusive head trauma can occur in children up to 5 years of age; however, infants less than one year are at greater risk of injury. Shaken Baby Syndrome can lead to serious conditions including:
- Brain damage, problems with memory and attention, cerebral palsy.
- Blindness or hearing loss.
- Intellectual, speech, or learning disabilities.
- Developmental delays.
A copy of a more extensive policy is located in the infant room binder close to the door.
Play Clothes
Toy Policy/Show & Tell
Mandate Reporting
Should abuse and neglect be suspected, these steps are the usual course of action (unless state(s)) mandate differ:
- Staff member will discuss the suspected case to the Center Director
- The Center Director will observe the child; talk with child to determine if abuse or neglect is a possible cause.
- The Centers Director may discuss the concerns with the child’s parent/guardian.
- The staff and center Director will determine if there is a need to notify a Child Protective Agency. The staff member involved is entitled to make an independent report.
To protect the children in our care, we take the following measures:
- All state requires staff screening and background checks
- Observe and evaluate the performance of staff
- Monitor classrooms, activities, and staff members
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporters
Health & Safety Policies
Criteria regarding signs or symptoms of illness, which will determine whether a child will be included or excluded from the center prior to morning drop off:
➢ Fever of 100.4* or greater, until 24 hours symptoms free without fever reducing medication
➢ Sign/ symptoms of severe illness, including lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable irritability or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, and/ or wheezing.
➢ Diarrhea not associated with diet changes or medications; multiple loose or watery instances within an hour; or accompanied with fever and or vomiting until diarrhea stops for 24 hours or the continued diarrhea is deemed not be infectious by a licensed health care professional.
➢ Blood in stools not explainable by dietary change, medication or hard stools
Vomiting the child can return after vomiting has been resolved for 24 hour or until a health care provider determines the cause for vomiting is not contagious and the child is not in danger of dehydration
➢ Persistent abdominal pain continues more than 2 hours or intermittent pain associated with fever or other signs/ symptoms of illness.
➢ Mouth Sores with drooling, unless a health care provider determines the sores ate not contagious rash until a physician determines that these symptoms do not indicate a communicable disease.
➢ Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) Until after treatment has been initiated for 24 hours
➢ Evidence of Scabies (lice or other parasitic infestation) until after treatment has been completed
Tuberculosis: until a health care provider state that the child is on appropriate therapy and can attend child care
➢ Impetigo: Until 24 hours after treatment has been initiated
➢ Strep throat: Until 24 hours after initial antibiotic treatment and cessation of fever
➢ Chicken Pox: Until all sore have dried and crusted (usually 6 days)
➢ Hand Foot and Mouth: Until Sores have dried and crusted and no fever
➢ Pertussis: Until 5 days of appropriate antibiotic treatment has been completed
➢ Mumps: Until 9 days after onset of symptoms with a clearance note from Doctor
➢ Hepatitis A Virus: Until 1 week after onset of illness
➢ Measles: Until 4 days after onset of rash
➢ Rubella: Until 6 days after onset of rash, unspecified respiratory tract illness accompanied by another illness, which requires exclusion.
➢ Herpes Simplex: with uncontrollable drooling needs to be clearance by a Physician before returning to the center.
➢ Jaundice (appearing on skin or eyes) needs to be clearance by a Physician before returning to the center
➢ Redness, burning, or itching of the eyes until after treatment has been initiated for 24 hours
Unusually dark urine and/ or grey or white stools needs to be clearance by a Physician before returning to the center.
➢ Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
➢ Stiff neck with an elevated temperature of 100.4 or higher consult with Doctor and bring a clearance note.
➢ Coughing which results in respiratory distress or is associated with a suspected inflammatory process
➢ Covid 19 Any child reporting positive test results or showing symptoms of COVID-19 cannot be in attendance at the childcare facility. Upon return, the individual must provide a written note or a negative test result signed and verified by a physician or nurse practitioner (CRNP) clearing them to return to the child care facility. A home test or any other negative test results that have not been reviewed signed and verified by a physician or CRNP will not be acceptable for a child to return to the childcare facility.
A child who becomes ill while at Caterpillar Childcare Center must be removed from the classroom in order to limit exposure of other children to communicable disease. An ill child will be sent to the office to wait for his/ her parent to arrive. For this reason, we ask families to make every effort to pick up a sick child within one hour once notification has taken place. At Caterpillar, we reserve the right to make the final determination of exclusion due to illness. Prior to re-admission, the child must be symptom free for at least 24 hours or Any exceptions to our illness policy will require a written note from a licensed health care professional note indicating the child does not have a communicable disease and is safe to return to the center.
Each child will be screened upon arrival at the center. Should a child have any of the above symptoms, the parent will need to take the child home, and / or the Director may suggest referral for follow-up care.
Notice of Exposure & Reporting Disease
Medical Emergency (Life-Threatening)
In the event of a life-threatening medical situation, the childcare provider will initiate the center’s emergency code system by the classroom billboard or through another employee. Upon initiation of the code, all designated trained staff will proceed to the location and begin medical intervention until the emergency squad arrives. When the code is signaled, the emergency number will be called for medical help. Police and fire emergency numbers are posted inside the billboard.
All child-care providers are trained in first aid and CPR. First aid will be continued until the emergency squad arrives. The child will then be transported to the closest hospital for medical treatment.
All medical forms will be sent with the child to the hospital.
Accident/Injury/Illness (Non-Life Threatening)
The center does not provide for transportation services. The staff will notify the appropriate emergency personnel for transportation when a medical emergency occurs. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide for all other forms of transportation.
A First Aid Box is located inside the Caterpillar Room on the shelf below the infant room window and on the shelf inside the infant room below the window. The Center Director and/or Group Supervisor will administer first aid as needed. An Incident/Injury Report will be completed for all accidents and injuries. The report will be reviewed and signed by the parent, the original copy will be placed in the center’s file, and a copy of the report will be given to the parent.
Dental Emergency
It is the responsibility of the parent to complete this form and to make corrections to this information when necessary.
- If a child becomes ill or injured after arriving at the center, the Lead Teacher will attempt to contact the parent(s) at all available telephone numbers. If a parent cannot be reached, the individuals listed as emergency contacts/authorized pick-up persons on the Emergency Contact & Parental Consent Form will be called.
- Children who are ill or seriously injured will be sent to the office and remain under the supervision of the Director and/or Lead Teacher until a parent arrives.
- Should a child require emergency dental care, the parent will be notified immediately. We will assist the parent in contacting his/her preferred dentist if requested to do so.
- All first aid measures will be taken until the parent arrives. If the situation in any way becomes life-threatening, emergency procedures will be taken.
If the child requires immediate medical attention:
- The Lead Teacher who witnessed the emergency will remain with the injured child and instruct someone else to call 911. If no one is available, first ensure the child is stable and, if possible, bring the child with you to call 911.
- The Lead Teacher will accompany the child to the hospital, bringing the child’s physical exam, immunization records, and Emergency Contact & Parental Consent Form.
- The Director will contact the parent(s).
Medication Policy
No medications are to be taken into the classrooms. Medication must be given to the Center Director. Do not leave medication in your child’s diaper bag. Please do not mix or place medications in your infant’s bottles, as this is an unsafe practice and may lead to distaste for fluids used to dilute the medication.
The parent must complete a Request for Administration of Medication Form developed by the Pennsylvania DHS (Department of Human Services) before medication administration can take place.
A Medication Form Must Be On File At The Center
- If the medication or vitamin is a prescription from a doctor, the physician’s instructions and signature will be required. The medication must have the child’s name and date of birth.
- A copy of the Request for Administration of Medication Form is included in your admission packet.
- Staff members trained to utilize the proper technique may apply topical creams/lotions.
- Parents must apply sunscreen in the morning. The staff can apply sunscreen only in the afternoon per a sunscreen waiver signed by the parent.
Administration of Medication According to the Following Guidelines
- The parent should administer once daily at home.
- The parent should administer twice daily every 12 hours at home.
- For three times per day or every eight hours, the Lead Teacher or Director will administer between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to noon or at 3:00 p.m.
*Please schedule your home dosages to allow us to remain on this schedule whenever possible
Requirements for Medication Administration/Fluoride Supplements
- Written instructions from a licensed physician or dentist must be filed at the center.
- The medication must be in the original container with the child’s name clearly visible.
- The label must specify the amount of dosage and time medication is to be administered; dosage should be by age and/or weight.
- The expiration date should be on the container.
- The length of time medication is to be administered should be clear.
- The medication will be cross-checked with the child’s allergy history.
- All over-the-counter medication for any child in our care must have a physician’s order.
Individuals who volunteer to provide transportation for a Caterpillar Childcare Center event must be at least 21 and provide:
- Proof of a valid driver’s license and current insurance.
- Evidence of a safe driving record for at least 5 years, with no crashes where a citation was issued.
- No record of substance abuse or conviction for crimes of violence or child abuse.
- No alcohol or other drugs associated with impaired ability to drive within 12 hours prior to transporting children.
- No criminal record of crimes against or involving children, child neglect or abuse, or any crime of violence.
Sunscreen & Insect Repellant
Diapers & Toilet Training
Our teachers are experienced in training young children in how to use the bathroom. It is essential that the parent and teacher communicate about the needs of the child and work together to make this developmental milestone positive and successful.
We recommend that when in training, your child be dressed in “user-friendly” clothing. Overalls, zippers, and snaps are difficult for small children to manage, especially in a hurry. While toilet training, parents are to provide lots of thick training underwear, plastic pants, socks, and outer clothing.
Cloth Diapers
Tobacco Use
Access Policy
A sex offender who has been convicted of a sex offense against a minor (even if the sex offender is the parent, guardian, or custodian) who is required to register with the Pennsylvania sex offender registry:
- Shall not operate, manage, be employed by, or act as a contractor or volunteer at the childcare center.
- Shall not be on the property of the childcare center without written permission from the Director, except for the time reasonably necessary to transport the offender’s own minor child to and from the center. The Director is not obligated to provide permission and must consult with their DHS licensing agent first.
Reasons For Misbehavior
- ❖ If caregivers understand why children misbehave, they can be more successful at reducing behavior problems. Listed here are some of the possible reasons why children misbehave:
- ❖ Children want to test whether caregivers will enforce rules.
- ❖ They experience different sets of expectations between school and home.
- ❖ A child does not understand the rules, or are held to expectations that are beyond their developmental levels.
- ❖ They want to assert themselves and their independence.
- ❖ They feel ill, bored, hungry, or sleepy.
- ❖ They lack accurate information and prior experience.
- ❖ They have been previously “rewarded” for their misbehavior with adult attention.
Preventing Misbehavior
- ❖ Set clear, consistent rules. (e.g., walking feet; gentle touches)
- ❖ Make certain the environment is safe and worry-free.
- ❖ Show interest in the child’s activities. (e.g., participating in activities with the children so they stay interested for longer periods)
- ❖ Encourage self-control and independence by providing meaningful choices. (e.g., “You may pick up the blocks or art center.”)
- ❖ Focus on the desired behavior, rather than the one to be avoided. (e.g., “Ashley, please use gentle touches with your friends.”)
- ❖ Build children’s images of themselves as trustworthy, responsible, and cooperative.
- ❖ Give clear directions, one at a time.
- ❖ Say “Yes” whenever possible.
- ❖ Notice and pay attention to children when they do things right. (e.g., “Joey is playing so nicely. I like it when you keep the blocks on the table.”)
- ❖ Encourage children often and generously.
- ❖ Set a good example. (e.g., using a quiet voice when children should be quiet)
- ❖ Help children see how their actions affect others.
Responding To Misbehavior
Logical Consequences
Participate In The Solution
Natural Consequences
Take A Break Or Calm Down Chair
If these actions do not help in reducing or changing behavior, the following will take place:
- ❖ Staff will report behavior and what strategies have been attempted to the Director and/or Assistant Director(s).
- ❖ The Director and/or Assistant Director will observe the child and meet with the Lead Teacher to develop a behavior management plan.
- ❖ The behavior management plan will be discussed will the parent and then put into practice.
- ❖ The Director and/or Assistant Director, Lead Teacher and Assistant Teachers, and parents will evaluate the behavior management plan. If needed, adjustments will be made.
- ❖ If a child’s behavior becomes threatening to themselves, other children, staff, or teachers, the child will be removed from the classroom and possibly the program for a period of time.
Useful Phrases
- Instead of “No” or “Don’t,” say “Please stop,” “I don’t like that,” “That’s not OK,” or “That is not a choice.”
- Instead of “That’s not nice,” say “That’s not OK,” “Please use gentle touches,” or “That hurts Jordan.”
- Instead of “No running,” say “I need you to use your walking feet” or “You may run when we go outside.”
- Instead of “Stop crying,” say “I need you to use your words to tell me what is wrong.”
- Instead of “Can you put away your toys?” (If it is not a choice, do not pose it as a question), say “You may help me pick up the blocks, or help Alyssa pick up the puzzles.”
- Instead of “I said yes” (when a child tells you “No”), say “No is not a choice; I need you to…”
Biting Policy
This Is The Process Followed When A Child Bites:
- ❖ The biting child is stopped and told, “Stop biting. Biting hurts,” in a firm voice. Teachers should remain calm, being careful not to show anger or frustration towards the child.
- ❖ The biting child is removed from the situation. Depending upon the observed motive for the bite, the separation may include re-direction or meeting the child’s needs. As little attention as possible will be placed on the biting.
- ❖ To avoid reinforcing the behavior, appropriate first aid will be provided to the child who was bitten. The bite will be washed with soap and water; a cold compress will be applied to reduce pain and swelling. A bandage will be applied if necessary.
It is important to explore the reasons for biting when it occurs. Teachers need to work with parents to gather information about the child’s behavior and begin observations to determine the reasons for biting. Examples of triggers would be: communication deficits, transitions, hunger, lack of sleep, need for oral stimulation, or teething pain. Once triggers are identified, staff can work on prevention strategies and start teaching replacement skills.
Below Are The Steps The Teacher Will Take To Identify Triggers And Replace The Behavior:
- ❖ The teacher will examine the context in which the biting is occurring and look for patterns.
- ❖ Was the space too crowded?
- ❖ Were there too few toys?
- ❖ Was there too little to do or too much waiting?
- ❖ Was the child who bit getting the attention and care he/she deserved at other times?
- ❖ The teacher will change the environment, routines, or activities if necessary.
- ❖ The teacher will work with the child who is biting to resolve conflicts and frustrations in ways that are more appropriate.
- ❖ The teacher will observe the child to get an idea of why and when they are likely to bite.
- ❖ The teacher will identify children likely to be bitten and make special efforts to reduce their chance of being bitten.
- ❖ The teacher, parent, and Director and/or Assistant Director will meet regularly to regulate an action plan and measure outcomes.
- ❖ If biting continues, the teacher will observe the group more closely and work with the parents to seek out additional resources as necessary to shadow the child who is biting.
- ❖ All information is confidential, and names of the children involved in the incident are not shared between parents. In addition, biting is always documented on an Incident/Accident Report, which is completed and signed by a teacher and parent. A copy is provided to the parent, and the original is kept in the child’s permanent enrollment file in the office.
New Family Orientation
Daily Sheets
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Policy & Procedure – IEP/IFSP Implementation Plan
Last Updated on: June 26, 2023
In order to ensure that the needs of children with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) are met, the following procedures will be implemented.
Director Will:
- Ask all families to complete a request form for a copy of a child’s IEP/IFSP. This request will be placed in each child’s file.
- File all copies of IEP/IFSPs in child’s file in order to be readily available to share with the teaching team.
- Provide copies of IEP/IFSP goals to the child’s teacher(s) and discuss strategies for meeting the goals.
- Ensure all teachers are trained on how to implement an IEP/IFSP. Training will be documented in each teacher’s professional development record (PDR).
- Contact early intervention staff/consultants to schedule periodic meetings with the child’s family and teacher(s) to discuss the child’s progress and to increase strategies in adapting IEP/IFSP goals in classroom activities and routines.
- Request permission from families to attend any meetings with the early intervention team related to changes to the IEP/IFSP.
- Monitor teachers’ work towards supporting the child in meeting IEP/IFSP goals.
- Request additional help from the early intervention team if needed.
- Ensure teachers conduct family conferences to report on progress.
Teaching Team Will:
- Observe and document the child’s progress towards goals weekly and use their notes to individualize lesson plans.
- Complete a communication log between home and the teachers daily for each child with an IEP/IFSP.
- Prepare for and conduct family conferences at least three times a year to share progress on IEP/IFSP goals, the child’s development, and participation in the classroom.
- Meet with the family to plan for and discuss transitioning to new classrooms or programs. An individualized plan will be created as needed to ensure a successful transition for the child.
- 4226.72: Procedures for IFSP development, review, and evaluation.
- 4226.73: Participants in IFSP meetings and periodic reviews.
- 4226.74: Content of the IFSP.
- 4226.75: Implementation of the IFSP.
Management Approval:
Karina De Paula
Center Director
Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Care Plan For Children With Special Health Care Needs
Any child under our program who meets these criteria should have an up-to-date Routine and Emergent Care Plan, completed by their primary health care provider with input from parents/guardians, included in their on-site health record and readily accessible to those caring for the child. Community resources should be used to ensure adequate information, training, and monitoring is available for early care and education staff. Caregivers should undergo training in pediatric first aid and CPR that includes responding to an emergency for any child with a special health care need.
Parent Participation
- Field trip transportation and supervision
- Leading or assisting special projects (carpentry, cooking, etc.)
- Construction or collection of raw materials for art projects, dramatic play props, etc.
- Eating lunch or snack with your child – please inform the teachers one day in advance
- Volunteering in your child’s classroom
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Program Evaluations
Emergency Contingency Plans/
- Emergency Preparedness Plan
❖ Our child care center is dedicated to always keeping your child safe when she/he is in our care. With recent world and local events, we have developed an emergency plan that will be put into place if special circumstances require a different type of care. Plans for these special types of care are reviewed annually. Staff is trained in the appropriate response, and local emergency management is aware of these plans. The specific type of emergency will guide where and what special care will be provided.
The Following Plan Will Be Implemented In The Event Of An Emergency! - Child And Employee Record
All our child and employees record are saved both physically in our center office and electronically so in an event of an emergency if the physical copies are destroyed, we have a back-up system. - Evacuation Plan
This plan would be put into place in the event that it is not safe for the children to remain at the center. In this situation, staff has predetermined alternate sites for care. The choice of site is determined by the specific emergency and what would be an appropriate alternate site. - Evacuation Procedures
- Staff will remove the children for whom they are responsible from the building. Floor plans indicating the evacuation route is posted by the doorway in each room. Sign in/out sheets will be taken. Infants are placed in the cribs with the sturdy, large casters and wheeled out of the building.
- They will go to the evacuation site: 312 George Street, Reading, PA 19605.
- Center Site Director/Person in Charge checks all rooms, including bathrooms, for stragglers or sleeping children, taking sign in/out sheets that may be left behind and the office red Emergency Binder for phone numbers.
- At the evacuation site, attendance of children and staff is taken.
- Staff will be prepared to move the children to another site (cafeteria) for traffic, weather, and/or emotional reasons.
- A final decision to evacuate the area and/or to re-enter the building will be the responsibility of the commander on the scene of the Belmont Fire Dept. and Security Services.
- Parents will be contacted if circumstances warrant.
- Evacuation drills are conducted every 60 days. Few hours are given on some drills, while others are unannounced.
- Fire Regulation Procedures
❖ Fire regulations procedures are posted near the exits in each classroom.
❖ Fire drills are conducted every two months; all classrooms are required to participate. In the event of a fire or other evacuation emergencies, the children and teachers will immediately leave the building and meet in the playground.
❖ In case of a fire, all children will immediately be transported to Vision 20/20 Church at 312 George St, Reading, PA 19605. Parents will be called as soon as safely possible following an emergency situation. For the safety of children, parents, and staff, we ask that parents do not attempt to pick up their child during an emergency situation.
You Discover Fire Or Smoke:- 1. Push fire alarm.
- 2. Dial 911 and give the location of the fire.
- 3. Evacuate the building (see evacuation procedures).
If You Hear The Fire Alarm:
- 1. Evacuate the building (see evacuation procedures).
- Natural Disasters – Hurricane, Tornado, Flood, Blizzard, Earthquake, Power Failure
- If a natural disaster is forecasted in advance, the center will close, open late, or close early based on the recommendations of the Governor, i.e., a State of Emergency.
- If, during the day, the potential of a natural disaster was predicted with limited notice, the Center Site Director/person in charge would determine the best place to keep the children and staff safe.
- If a natural disaster occurs unpredictably, the Center Site Director/person in charge would call for an evacuation (see above procedure); however, instead of bringing the children outside, the Center Site Director should consider the safest alternative, i.e., the middle room where the toddlers are.
- a) If possible, the Fire Dept would be notified of the situation.
- b) Proximity of kitchen and bathrooms would be considered.
- c) Windows would be avoided.
❖ The Muhlenberg Township will be contacted regarding any water outage, Tel: 610-929-4709.
❖ Met-ed will be contacted in the event of a power outage Tel: 800-545-7741.
❖ UGI will be contacted for the loss of heat Tel: 800-276-2722.
- Shelter In Place
This plan would be put into place in the event of a weather emergency, unsafe outdoor conditions, or threats. In this plan, children will be cared for indoors at the center, and the center may be secured or locked to restrict entry. Parents will be notified if they need to pick up their child before the regular time.
The Following Plan Will Be Implemented In The Event Of An Emergency!
Property Partial And/Or Total Loss
- 1. The Center Director in conjunction with the Muhlenberg Township Buildings and Codes Department inspector will evaluate the damage to determine if it will represent a risk for the children and staff.
- 2. If the center has to suspend the program until the damage is corrected, the ELRC Department, the Department of Human Services, and Parents will be notified.
- 3. Once the renovation has taken place, the city and state will provide their inspection clearance for the center to resume normal operations.
- 4. Meanwhile, the Center Director will work in conjunction with the ELRC Department to provide parents with temporary places for children to be safely cared for.
- 5. Staff will assist with decluttering, cleaning, preserving goods, and organizing curriculum.
Property Total Loss:
- 1.The Center Director will inform the Department of Human Services, the ELRC, the Parents, and staff.
- 2.Child enrollment will automatically terminate after parents are notified.
- 3.Staff will be forwarded to the Unemployment Compensation Department.
- 4.A contact list for parents and employees will be kept to inform them of updates regarding renovations.
Method Of Contact
Emergency /Reuniting With Children
Missing Or Abducted Child
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