If you have a question or concern, do not hesitate to bring it to the attention of the teacher most directly involved.
If the concern is not resolved, the Program director, Karina De Paula, can be reached at 484-650-6411 or by e-mail at Caterpillarchildcarecenter01@gmail.com the director is available to assist parents and staff in resolving concerns.
If an issue should arise between a family and a staff member or between two families, we encourage the concerned party speak directly to the staff member, or family, prior to coming to the directors. If the problem remains unresolved, or the parent wants to make sure the administration is aware, our door is always open.
Administration will act as a moderator in situations that require more attention or are reoccurring. We will make every effort to remain fair, with our main priority being the safety and quality of care of the children at Caterpillar Childcare Center.
Executive Director:
Karina De Paula
Center Location:
2318 Fraver Drive
Reading, PA 19605
Reach out to us using the form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.