Check today’s weather forecast to plan your child’s day easily for a fun-filled day at Caterpillar Child Care Center.

Weather-Related Closings

Caterpillar Childcare Center will remain open during most severe weather. The Director and/or Assistant Director will monitor the weather and local news stations to determine when it is appropriate to close the center early or cancel care for the following day. Caterpillar Childcare Center will be open on public school designated “snow days”–we may open late if necessary. On a rare occasion our center may be forced to close due to a situation beyond our control (e.g., ice storm, electrical outage, no water service). Every attempt will be made to inform parents of an emergency closing.

In the event that Caterpillar Childcare Center closes early or cancels care for the following day, parents will be contacted and informed of the situation via Procare App. Children should be picked up in a reasonable amount of time to ensure all parents, children, and staff can travel safely home. Families will still be charged during weather closings.